find peace
About us
Soul Camping is run by me, Leah, with lots of help from my family.
We started the business because so many people wanted to look inside our bell tent whenever we went anywhere in it. We also had the advantage of living in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, so it's worked pretty well. We are heading into our 10th season now, with lots of happy guests under our belts.
I was originally a fashion designer, but with 4 children and a hatred for high heals, mucking around in my campsite and teaching yoga suits me much better.
We have traveled a lot, so you will find treasures we have collected in the tents, and more importantly, a campsite that is very well equipped with things that make camping with little ones much easier!
If you want to know us better you can find us on Instagram @yogacornwall and @soulcamping